Thursday, February 28, 2008

Catch-up #3: Death in the Family

On Tuesday my mom called to let me know that my grandmother (my Dad's mom) had passed away earlier that day. She had been suffering from Alzheimer's for a few years and had taken a turn for the worse in the last week. She apparently died in her sleep sometime Monday night/Tuesday morning. She was the last of the three grandparents I spent a good amount of time with as a kid and felt pretty close to, the others being my Dad's father and my Mom's mother. Even though I knew for a while that she was slipping away and had said my goodbyes a couple of years ago, it still hit me in a weird way.

My Mom waited to call me Tuesday until around 6p so that the news wouldn't affect my day; it was very thoughtful of her, unfortunately Tuesdays I have class until 10p so I still had quite a bit of my day left! I found myself only half listening in my History class. Then in my English class I tried to participate at my normal level, which is a lot, but every time I started to give an opinion on the pieces we had read or on a theory derived from them, I felt like I didn't know what I was saying. I wasn't even sure if I was making any sense or if it was even English coming out of my mouth. It felt like there were thousands of words spinning in my head and I had to locate and grab each one individually to make it come out. On our break in class I actually decided to ask the teacher if I was making any sense. She said I was completely and asked if I knew what was causing me to feel like I wasn't, so I told her about my grandma. It felt good to get out what was in my head and kinda spill my guts a bit.

I don't know when any sort of memorial will be but apparently it won't be for a little while. It'll be nice to get together with family and remember her.

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