Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lent again

Lent starts again tomorrow, and once again I find myself wanting to try giving something up for "40 days and 40 nights." Although I'm completely against religion, I do like the idea of testing yourself and restricting your intake of something that might give you pleasure but isn't necessarily good for your "soul" (although I'm for sure not giving up what the dude in the movie did, f-u-c-k that [pun intended]).

Last year I gave up beer for a couple months. It wasn't that bad. I still allowed myself some alcohol but the beer restriction did drastically cut down my drinking. So I was trying to think of what to do this time around. I'm really working on getting back into weight loss. I've kinda stopped working on weight loss; I'm still at my lowest weight in a long time and haven't gained anything, but haven't really lost anything in a couple months.

So here we go. I've decided to give up beer again. But that didn't seem to be enough. I want to go big this year. So along with beer, I'm going to cut red meat and chocolate from my diet until Easter. Hopefully that should give me the kick in the ass I need.

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