Thursday, February 28, 2008

Catch-up #1: Lucas's Potty Training

We had tried potty training a month or two ago, and Lucas wasn't ready for it; frankly, I'm not sure we were ready either. Jen decided to try again this past weekend and Lucas said he wanted to. This time it went really well! Over the weekend he only had two minor accidents and both were while we were out shopping. Both were also mostly our fault for not getting him to a bathroom quick enough. The only thing that he didn't do was poop; he held it all day both days until he was in a night-time pull-up. But now he's even doing that. I think he was a little scared at first, but now that he's done it he's totally into it.

The great part is that his daycare is all on board with it too and helping him out. Jen's mom did so as well on Tuesday as I'm sure my mom will tomorrow. He's just having about one very minor accident a day. I believe if he can keep this up for a month (pull-ups for naps and an accident or less a day) he can move into the next classroom, which is a ton cheaper! We need to check if he can still wear a pull-up for naps. He won't be doing that for too long, maybe a couple months but if they won't take him until he's fully trained then we'll push that timeline up. He's already peeing very little during sleep and not pooping at all so it shouldn't be too hard.

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