Friday, February 1, 2008

And so begins our second journey

A couple weeks ago was one of the coolest and most exciting weeks of my life, and I'm just now prepared to talk about it fully in blog form.

First off, Jen got her next certification as a CME (Certified Manager of Exhibits). It's representative of many hours of work on her part and is a great compliment to her silver-level CTSM (Certified Trade Show Marketeer) certification.

A couple of days later, I was offered the job at Apple which, as I've talked about elsewhere on here, I enthusiastically accepted.

While I was working on all the paperwork for my offer, we got some even better news. Jen is pregnant! I guess that's what happens when both of our companies have Christmas shutdowns at the same time. ;) Anyway, she really wanted another kid and I decided I was cool with having one more. She managed to get pregnant the second month off the pill.

Apparently her doc is now into doing ultrasounds really early on, so we did what they called a "viability ultrasound" at 6 weeks. I'll scan the pic tonight or tomorrow, but don't expect much; it looks like a blur with spots. But we did at least find out the due date, which is September 16.

More details to come on this blog!

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