Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First day of the new semester

Back to school! I have 3 more classes to take to get that Associates degree, and 2 of them had their first meetings tonight. First up was History 4B, which is the history of Western civilization from just prior to the French Revolution until today. The teacher seems alright, if a little underwhelming in his tone and cadence. He does seem to know his crap at least. He's got a Masters in religious history (intriguing to me at least; I'm waiting to see how this colors his history), a Ph.D. in some other history thing (I forget what), and he was apparently one of the authors of HIPAA (weird). Seems like an easy A, knock on wood.

The class was lightly attended, to the point where the teacher was asking us to tell friends to join the class so it wouldn't get canceled. The really crappy part is that this is the only section of Hist 4B offered this semester and I need it to graduate, so if they cancel it I'm screwed.

My later class is English 1B, in which we're going to read short stories, poems and a play and write about them. Seemed incredibly boring to me at first, but the teacher has a fun attitude and some of my classmates kept things light-hearted, including the girl sitting next to me who actually at least pretended to think I was funny. I don't think this will be as easy an A but since it's been like 12 years since I took an English class, it's hard for me to judge after one night.

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