Monday, February 11, 2008

Random observation

This morning I dropped Lucas off at daycare around 9:20 and headed to work. While cruising along Hwy 87 I passed a car where the lady driving was doing her makeup at around 65-70 MPH. Now I have two issues with this. One being the obvious "what the fuck are you doing putting on makeup while driving?" But my mind went a step further. I could sort of understand but maybe not condone doing your makeup while driving on a Monday morning if it was like 7:30am, you know you're gonna be stuck in stop-and-go traffic and you had a long weekend and weren't able to get up on time. But this was 9:30, when clearly the road was going to be somewhat open and traffic-free. In fact it makes it worse because the traffic sometimes goes from 70 to 0 at this time of the morning around Curtner so you have to be extra cautious. So unless this lady works until 3am, I have no friggin' clue how she could be running late enough to justify in her mind doing her makeup at 9:30 at full freeway speed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've probably seen my blog about people on the phone while driving.... ugh, this doesn't surprise me. I've seen people reading the newspaper, digging through the backseat and putting eye drops in. Being a defensive driver has never been more important.