Thursday, January 24, 2008

The name of this blog is...

The name of the blog, "The Bright Center of the Universe," is based on a Luke Skywalker quote from Star Wars (later retitled as Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope). C3PO asks Luke where he has landed and Luke replies, "Well if there's a bright center to the universe you're on the planet its farthest from." I thought this quote was rather apropos for a blog, in that sometimes in life we as individuals feel like we are far from the warmth that others can offer us and it helps to share your experiences with others, even in a disconnected medium like the Web. Of course, there are some times that you feel like you are the bright center, and those times are worth writing about too.

Look for me to put down in blog form my random thoughts along with some well-formed ones. Hopefully I can add a chuckle to your day or give you something to think about. I welcome your comments.

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