Monday, January 28, 2008

Dangers of blogging

As a history buff, it should have occurred to me earlier that one of the dangers of blogging is reporting on an event before all the details are in. Take for example, my last post.

Now I can't say for 100% certain that what I had was food poisoning, and I further can't be sure that if it was, I got it from my dinner. But we'll just say that I had quite a terrible Saturday and spent the day in bed, eating a bit of rice, apple and toast, along with some VitaminWater and club soda. By my count, I ate the equivalent of 15 WeightWatchers Points all day; I'm supposed to eat 39. And I won't be eating a burger for a while. Or returning to The Counter.

On the bright side (and as Monty Python says, "Always look on the bright side of life."), I did drop 4 pounds. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.

1 comment:

thejeneni said...

Hey, you forgot to mention WHO was bringing you those 15 points worth of food/drink all damn day ... *sigh* And let's not talk about who did stinky laundry and stuff for you ...