Sunday, April 27, 2008

20 Week Ultrasound

Sorry it's been a while since I posted (over a month!). I let myself get out of the habit of writing and it became a hard thing to get back into. But I'm back and plan on posting several times a week again. Stay tuned!

We went in for Jen's 20 week ultrasound last week, where they check on the fetal development, make sure there are no red flags, and if it is at all possible, they also try to determine the sex of the baby. The pieces all looked to be in the places they were supposed to be and all the development seems to be progressing the way it should. As far as the sex goes, unfortunately we didn't get a printout of the picture the ultrasound tech took of the "region" but here's what he said: "Yep. 100% boy. No doubt about it."

So that's two boys for us. We've already started thinking about names and doing a little research. I looked through a long list of atheists (some surprising names on there) and there were definitely some names that I think would make great names for our new boy. As before with Lucas, we're going to keep our name ideas to ourselves and not make a final decision until after he is born.

I will post the ultrasound video this week. I don't have any info I need to blur out of this one so it's a simple matter of d/l the file to my computer.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of ya. If you're looking for suggestions, Zack is a good boys name.

Perle Stellar said...

I'm so happy for you guys. Please send my grats and <3 to Jen.